Dusk Boundary

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Dusk Boundary.png
Allied Faction: Obsidian
Allied Groups: Obsidian
Location Type: Dusk Zone
Grid Locale: Dusk Zone, Dusk Boundary
The Dusk Boundary is a shadowed demi-plane where Dark Energy and Magic flow in the same place but do not mix or conflict. Dreams and nightmares alike are spawned here, and reaching either the World of Light or the World of Dusk is easier from this border-realm than almost anywhere else. Someone needs Dark Energy control to spend much time in the darker regions, but it can still be accessed by virtually anyone who wanders through a suitably overlapping entry point, such as an ancient battlefield, a haunted house, or a place where Dark Energy is regularly used... Such as Obsidian Tower.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
Dusk Scene September 17th, 2023 Takashi and Norie go to play with some adorable mutant youma(?) dogs(?). And find something shiny. And make plans.
The Midnight Crew September 26th, 2023 CW: Horror. The humble foundations of Midnight Tokyo are finally being built. Everything has to start somewhere, but not everyone is onboard with paving over the Dusk Zone...
Overlord Diaries: Castle February 20th, 2024 The newly awakened Shogun Mogura and his companion, Overlord Maou, begin to explore the Shogun's Castle in the Dusk Zone! As well, an unexpected third... Who has mutual interests! A shocking twist ending that no one anticipated!!
A Glimmer in the Distance March 13th, 2024 Glimmer finds herself in a very, very strange place... And Riventon runs into a new resident of the dusk zone. Unfortunately, there is a small breakdown of communication.
Dusk Triumvirate March 26th, 2024 Takashi, Norie, and Keaka explore the Dusk Boundary.
What is evil June 1st, 2024 Keaka is run into by Sunset of Sora while examining things in the dusk zone... it goes about as well as could be expected. Keaka learns a valuable lesson... jerks were jerks, even when they were, once, on your side.
Search and Recovery January 27th, 2025 After being contacted by those who knew what happened to Molly, Riventon, Norie, and Glimmer head into the Dusk Zone to attempt to find the missing mahou...